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The largest and oldest conservation area in Uganda, Karuma Game Reserve is situated near Murchison Falls National Park on the northern road to Gulu. It is known for its Karuma Falls along the majestic Victoria Nile and is located at a height of 902 metres above sea level. It is situated in the same region as Murchison Falls National Park, Bugungu, Budongo, Kanio-Papidi, and other protected areas.

Karuma Game Reserve

Karuma, an 820 square km region, was gazetted in 1964 to serve as a buffer between the nearby settlements and the Murchison Falls National Park. The Karuma Falls, which is its most notable feature, is thought to have gotten its name from a spirit by the name of Karuma. The locals believe Karuma designed the rocks upon which the water falls with a great roar. The falls are located along the way and frequently lead to the Murchison Falls, the most powerful waterfall in the world, where visitors can hike to the top or take a boat cruise to the bottom of the Nile.

The game reserve is home to a variety of animals that live and roam freely in their natural habitats, including elephants, hippos, giraffes, waterbucks, hyenas, warthogs, buffaloes, Uganda kobs, oribi, hartebeests, primates like vervet monkeys, olive baboons, l’hoest monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, and many others.

More than 7000 refugees were relocated to the Kiryandongo district, which includes a portion of the Karuma Game Reserve, for settlement. Human activity on the land is still a threat to the game reserve, which is struggling with the challenge of depletion of the flora and fauna found in here as a result of poaching. As a result, the park has lost its sense of safety for both animals and humans.

To observe a wider range of wildlife, including the Big Five; elephants, buffaloes, leopards, lions, and rhinos. Tour safaris to the game reserve can be combined with visits to Murchison Falls National Park and the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. For safety, it is recommended to wear long sleeved clothing, pants, boots, insect repellents and sunscreen. Although the weather in the park and conservation area is generally consistent throughout the year, the ideal time to come is between late June and September and between December and February because rain can fall at any time of year.

Six hours of driving will get you to the Karuma Game Reserve in Kiryandongo region, formerly Masindi in northern Uganda. Chatter flights may be made from Kampala to Kajansi or Entebbe to Pakuba Airstrip. In the neighbouring Murchison Falls National Park and nearby villages, lodging options range from luxurious to budget-friendly, including the Chobe Safari Lodge, Bakers Lodge, Fort Murchison, and Murchison River Lodge, among others. Explore Uganda since there is much to see and learn about the animals and cultures there. Karuma Falls is a breathtaking waterfall that you must see on your African safaris. The cold air and roar from the falls is majestic and heavenly.

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