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Sempaya Hot springs in Semuliki National Park

Sempaya Hot springs in Semuliki National Park

Bundibujo District, in the western region of Uganda, is home to Sempaya Hot springs in Semuliki National Park. The vast Ituri Forest extends here, and the national park is a sanctuary for birds. A total of 220 square km make up the park. It was founded in 1993 and is one of the nation’s first national parks to receive a gazette. Discover the untamed beauty of the vast Albertine Rift Valley, which extends into the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Tooro-Semuliki Game Reserve, overseen by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, is a portion of the park. It is one among Uganda’s many diverse and rich biomes.

The natural characteristics created by the movement of tectonic plates are what make the national park famous. Due to their reputation for having both female and male hot springs, Sempaya is popular with both domestic and foreign tourists. The Sempaya hot springs, also known as Nyasimbi and Sempaya, are a highlight of a guided nature walk in the national park. The spring rises up to 2 metres above the ground and is located in a swampy, bushy area of the park. The hot springs’ water can reach temperatures of up to 100 degrees. Even an egg may cook in this environment.

The springs are seen as having a significant impact on the neighbourhood by the people. The local ladies are said to receive fecundity from the female spring. The conservation area has well-maintained trails that lead to the springs.

Other natural features of the area, such as the fauna species, abound in addition to the hot springs. You may expect to see many different animals, such as African elephants, monkeys, crocodiles, kobs, and many others. In Uganda, the park is the ideal location for birdwatching. The national park is home to more than 400 different bird species, the majority of which are unique to the Great Albertine Rift Valley. The park’s main water source for wildlife and the surrounding inhabitants is the River Semuliki.

Tourist Activities in Semuliki National Park

Visits to the Sempaya hot springs are a favourite activity in Semuliki national park. Wildlife, primarily the park’s monkeys, may be seen on escorted nature hikes to the springs. It takes an hour to walk to the spring. As the water at the springs may cook eggs, the guides will bring along raw eggs for a snack. Expect to see primates like red colobus and vervet monkeys on guided nature walks around the park’s trails, including the 13 km Kirumia route.

Bird Watching.

Semuliki is a key location for birding in Uganda and is home to both Albertine and Congo woodland endemics. Examples of birds found in the park include the yellow-throated nicator, great blue turaco, and white-crested hornbills.

Game Drives

Expect to observe pygmy hippopotamuses, warthogs, buffaloes, waterbucks, crocodiles, and forest elephants.

Accommodation in Semuliki National Park

Visitors to Semuliki National Park may find lodging nearby, including the Kirimia Guest House and Semuliki Safari Lodge, among other options.

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